As business owners, you gather and store sensitive data about your employees and clients. While you might think only large corporations are the victims of cyberattacks, 60percent of data breaches affect small-sized businesses.

A single breach can cost you millions in legal settlements and fines and could end up destroying your customer’s trust. It can also threaten your business’s reputation, and even cause you to be kicked out of your business.

There’s not a universal solution for data security, however Discover More there are some basic actions that every business should take to help mitigate the risks and safeguard themselves from threats like malware, phishing attacks and data loss. By investing in secure passwords, securing important documents and offering security training for your employees and employees, you can make it difficult for hackers to get access to your information.

Regularly conduct risk assessments. This will allow you to identify weaknesses and determine the best way to improve your security. Create a Comprehensive Security Policy: Create clear guidelines on access to data, data handling, and what to do in the event of a data breach. Secure sensitive data This makes the data unreadable to unauthorised users at rest as well as in transit. Destroy Unused Information: Consider policies that instruct employees on how to clean or alter sensitive information (like degaussing or digital shredding) so it cannot be accessed by those who aren’t supposed to.

By following these tips, you can build the foundation of a secure infrastructure that supports your business continuity prior to, during and after a cyberattack. For more information on creating an appropriate plan to meet your particular needs, book an initial consultation at no cost with our IT and cybersecurity specialist.


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